33  Ways Empaths, Starseeds, & Lightworkers Give Away Their Power and How to End That Cycle


We all know that giving our power away is a surefire recipe for staying in survival mode. So – we make a conscious choice to stay more inner directed, create boundaries, and stop self-sacrificing. But what many people don’t realise is that ‘giving our power away’ occurs in many different format. Below, is a list of the most common ways poeple give away their power.

1. Doubting their own abilities and strengths: this stops people from charging what they’re worth, from launching their ‘life’s work’ AND it attracts people in their lives who are critical.

2. Believing they are not worthy or deserving of success: They’ll often go from failure to failure or give up easily and if they are successful often self-sabotage.

3. Living in fear and allowing it to control their decisions: This creates decision-paralysis.

4. Allowing others to make decisions for them:  Telling the Universe that they don’t trust their own intuition which therefore dillutes their manifestation power

5. Seeking external validation and approval from others (same as above)

6. Comparing themselves to others and feeling inadequate

7. Being overly critical of themselves and their actions

8. Ignoring their own needs and desires

9. Putting others’ needs before their own without considering the consequences

10. Believing that they have no control over their circumstances

11. Holding onto limiting beliefs and negative self-talk

12. Giving up their dreams and aspirations to please others: again, creates resentment

13. Refusing to take responsibility for their actions and choices

14. Being overly dependent on others for their emotional and mental well-being

15. Believing they are a victim of their circumstances

16. Neglecting self-care and personal boundaries: when this happens we’re telling the Universe that we’re not important enough to focus our attention on so results don’t manifest

17. Being a people pleaser and avoiding confrontation: This brings up massive levels of  resentment and particularly self-resentment

18. Holding onto grudges and resentments: and the act of behaving in this way puts our attention on someone else instead of our own goals and manifestations so our manifestation power is dilluted considerably.

19. Putting their financial stability in the hands of others

20. Sacrificing their mental and emotional health for the sake of their work or career

21. Being afraid of change and taking risks

22. Living in the past or future, rather than being present in the moment

23.. Being overly concerned with what others think of them

24. Giving away their personal power to authority figures

25. Being overly attached to material possessions

26. Avoiding personal growth and development

27. Believing that their happiness depends on external factors

28. Ignoring their intuition and inner wisdom.

29. Asking external guides/archangels/non-physical beings for advice.

30. Avoiding making decisions during Mercury Retrograde.

31. Allowing ascension symptoms to control your life: Yes, they exist for some people. Instead of suffering they can be alchemised easily.

32.Allowing your consciousness to leave your body for the purposes of tuning in or astral projection

33. Over-identifying with labels such as personality typing profiles: Profiling systems are guides. Over-identification means we have put ourselves inside a box and therefore limited our potential.

It is important to recognize when we are giving our power away and to take steps to reclaim it. Remember, you are the only one who has the power to create your own life and fulfill your own potential.

The 10 Main Reasons People Give Their Power Away

1. Fear: Fear of failure, rejection, or judgment can cause people to doubt their abilities and give their power away to others.

2. Low self-esteem: People with low self-esteem may not believe in themselves, leading them to give their power away to others who they perceive as more capable or confident.

3. Lack of confidence: People who lack confidence may not feel comfortable making decisions or taking action, leading them to give their power away to others who they believe are more capable.

4. Seeking approval: People who seek approval from others may give their power away to those who they believe will validate or approve of them.

5. Lack of knowledge: People who lack knowledge or information may give their power away to those who they believe are more knowledgeable or informed.

6. External pressures: People may give their power away to external pressures such as societal norms, expectations, or cultural traditions.

7. Trauma: People who have experienced trauma may give their power away to others as a way of coping or avoiding potential harm.

8. Social conditioning: People may give their power away due to social conditioning that promotes compliance, obedience, or deference to authority.

9. Lack of support: People who lack support from family, friends, or community may give their power away to those who they perceive as more supportive.

10. Dependency: People who are dependent on others for their basic needs may give their power away to those who provide for them.

5 Ways to Help End the Cycle


1. Ask yourself, “Where am I being an energy vampire?” Everything is in balance. If you’re giving away your power in some areas, they may  not recognise where they take power from others eg. neediness, psychic vampirism and that sort of thing. This act in itself, can be very powerful in going towards stopping the cycle.

2. Clear the Limiting Beliefs Around Worthiness: This is an obvious one but a very important one. Clear them from the mental, astral, etheric and physical. Yes, the physical. Memories and emotions are stored in our fascia so do some somatic healing to remove it.

3. Get Clear on Your Values, Mission, and Purpose: As they say, “If you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there.” So – get very clear on what’s important to you in your life. Then – if something doesn’t align with those values, or your purpose, then it’s a big NO.

4. Create and Stick to Strong Boundaries: Write a list of what your boundaries are. Remind yourself of them daily.  Like anything, setting strong boundaries is a habit so it may take a little practice but repetition will soon make it stick.

5. Make Decisions Slowly: often, because we want to be helpful we have an automatic “YES” response and those decisions aren’t necessarily in line with our intuition.  So – unless you identify with Manifestor energy (in Human Design),  slow down your decision making and follow your Human Design strategy.