Six Simple Tips to Distinguish Your Intuition From Your Ego


1. Positive

If you hear a voice telling you that you’re stupid, lazy, disorganized, you can’t do that, or the sky is going to fall in, that’s always your ego talking.

Your intuition will never criticize you. Instead, it will guide you in another direction instead of telling you the direction that you’re currently in is one stupid.

2. Peaceful

There’s a wonderful sense of peace with intuition even when the truth is something that you don’t want to hear.

Ego has urgency. If your thoughts are flipping around your head at a million miles an hour that’s your ego in control. On the other hand, when you are completely present and in a high state of awareness, your intuition flows in patiently.

3. A Subtle, Energetic Weight

Intuition is soft. Its’ loving and there’s a feeling of light about it.

You can just feel it that it’s right – that it’s the truth. And egoic perception comes
in as an idea but it’s kind of hollow and fleeting.

4. Consistent and Persistent

Your egoic mind will grasp and jump from one thing to another – fight or fright.

Your intuition is different. You’ve probably heard the saying that your intuition will start tapping you on the shoulder. If you don’t listen, it will tap harder. If you still don’t listen, it will hit you over the head with a four-by-two.

5. A Sense of Knowing

It’s the kind of feeling you have when you think about the certainty of the sun rising in the east. You just know. You can’t rationalize it or perhaps explain it. But you just know.

6. A Subtle, Energetic Weight

There’s nothing missing. There’s complete focus with intuition. Ego has your mind flipping all over the place and often leaves you still leaves you unsure.

So become best friends with your intuition. Trust it and act upon it and I promise you, your life will transform in magical ways.

As Einstein said, “The Intuitive Mind Is a Sacred Gift and the Rational Mind Is a Faithful Servant”
If you’d like to read more about how to tap into the money making power of your intuition, I’m giving away FREE digital copies of my book, “Superconscious Genius: The Intuition Secrets of the World’s Greatest Leaders and How to Profit from Them”.


“Brilliant success strategist”

Kristina is one of the most dynamic personalities I have had the pleasure of working with. Her passion, vision and innate wisdom combine with a formidable life and business experience to make her the brilliant success strategist she is.”

William Whitecloud

Author - Magician's Way