Two Productivity Hacks to Complete Five Days of Quality Work In Four Days

1.Time Blocking

Time-blocking is a time management strategy where you allocate specific chunks of time to individual tasks or sets of tasks, much like setting appointments with yourself. Instead of maintaining a to-do list that never seems to end, you slot each task into a time frame on your calendar. By doing so, you’re making a commitment to focus solely on that task during the allocated time.

How it Works:

  1. Assessment: Start by assessing all the tasks you need to accomplish.
  2. Prioritization: Rank tasks based on importance and urgency.
  3. Time Estimation: Estimate how long each task will take.
  4. Blocking: Insert each task into your calendar, dedicating a specific time block to each one.


  • Deep Work: Enables you to engage in deep work by reducing context switching.
  • Accountability: Makes you accountable to yourself.
  • Task Completion: Increases the likelihood of completing tasks within set deadlines.

2. Hot Hours

Hot hours refer to those blocks of time in a day when you’re at your cognitive and creative peak. Everyone’s hot hours are different, and they’re influenced by individual circadian rhythms, lifestyle, and even diet.

How it Works:

  1. Identification: Spend a week tracking your energy levels at different times of the day.
  2. Analysis: Identify patterns to figure out when you’re most productive.
  3. Scheduling: Aim to schedule your most critical or challenging tasks during these hot hours.


  • Quality of Work: Maximizes the quality of your output.
  • Efficiency: Work gets done faster and with fewer errors.
  • Satisfaction: Achieving good results during your hot hours can boost your confidence and job satisfaction.


You can take these techniques a step further by aligning your time blocks with your hot hours. Place tasks that require deep focus and creativity into your hot hours, reserving other times for less demanding activities like email or administrative tasks. This is a bit like alchemy in the realm of productivity: you’re not just working hard; you’re working smart, in harmony with your own cognitive rhythms.

Both time-blocking and understanding your hot hours can be potent tools in not just the realm of business, but also in aligning your professional efforts with your higher purpose. By creating a sacred container of time for your most impactful tasks, you essentially honor your work as a reflection of your own unique genius.

Would you like to go deeper into how to implement these techniques or perhaps integrate them with your particular line of work?




  1. Tool Selection: Choose a calendar app that resonates with you. It could be a digital tool like Google Calendar or a physical planner, whichever feels more aligned with your working style.

  2. Categorization: Break down tasks into types or categories, such as “Creative,” “Administrative,” “Coaching,” etc. This can help you create thematic time blocks.

  3. Buffer Times: Include buffer times between tasks. These buffers allow you space for the unexpected and transition between different types of activities.

  4. Review & Adjust: At the end of each day or week, review your time blocks. What worked? What didn’t? Make adjustments accordingly.

Hot Hours

  1. Energy Journal: Keep an energy journal for at least a week, noting your peaks and troughs of mental and emotional energy throughout the day.

  2. Data Analysis: At the end of the week, analyze this data to identify your hot hours.

  3. Task Matching: Pair your most challenging tasks with your hot hours, placing them into your time-blocked calendar.


  1. Priority Matching: Use your hot hours for tasks that are critical to your higher purpose. This might be deep work like creating courses, coaching, or even studying new principles that align with your mission.

  2. Spiritual Alignment: Consider starting your day with a spiritual or grounding routine that helps you align with your higher purpose. This sets the tone for the rest of the day.

  3. Mindfulness Breaks: Intersperse short mindfulness or meditation breaks to remain aligned and refocused. These can act as your buffer zones.

  4. Review with Intent: At the end of the day, take a few minutes to reflect on how well your activities aligned with your higher purpose. Are there adjustments needed for a better alignment tomorrow?

Beyond Productivity

Now, let’s stretch this discussion beyond mere productivity hacks. Implementing these methods isn’t just about getting more done; it’s about creating the sacred space in your life to perform the work you feel called to do.

In the realm of fifth-dimensional principles, think of each time block as a “time capsule” of focused energy and intention. Your hot hours, then, are high-vibrational periods where this focused energy can be channeled most effectively. It’s not just about linear progression but also about depth and expansion into higher states of consciousness while performing your daily activities.

“Brilliant success strategist”

Kristina is one of the most dynamic personalities I have had the pleasure of working with. Her passion, vision and innate wisdom combine with a formidable life and business experience to make her the brilliant success strategist she is.”

William Whitecloud

Author - Magician's Way


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